UTG’s business idea is based on sustainability
We provide mixing technology that enables a durable lifecycle of our customers’ processes and improves the energy efficiency of processes. Our technology helps customers produce the best possible process result while consuming as little energy and materials as possible.
High quality is a prerequisite for our operations
UTG has the ISO 9001 quality management system in place. The high quality of our products is a prerequisite for our business operations. With a transparent operating system, personnel training, product development, monitoring and quality audits, we ensure that our operations meet our quality policy. Our highly professional employees are familiar with the quality specifications of each assignment and they take responsibility for achieving the specified level of quality.
Customer satisfaction is evidenced by significant follow-up orders. We develop our products and services in cooperation with our customers and international partners. In our own laboratory, we perform tests and numerical simulations to ensure that our products meet the requirements of our customers. With the information technology and new sensors at the renewed laboratory in Germany, we have been able to implement new measuring methods. For instance, new methods are used to measure multiphase mixing where solids, liquids and gases are combined. In 2019, the Group’s R&D costs were EUR 0.5, or 3% of the turnover.
Our greatest asset is the right personnel
At the end of 2019, UTG employed 87 people. Of them, 38 were blue-collar and 49 were white-collar employees. Of our personnel, 25 worked in the Finnish company and 62 in the German company. Our most important asset is the right people. Our values include motivation and commitment to our objectives.
The achievement of the Group’s strategic targets requires the employees to be aware of how they can contribute to the implementation of the strategy in their work. We will ensure this by reviewing our strategy and brand promises with the entire personnel. We strengthen our personnel’s expertise and continuous development through training. All of our production personnel in Finland has participated in a Lean training with the purpose of improving both profitability and employee well-being by focusing on what is essential and decreasing loss. In 2019, our personnel also participated in design, product management, 3D modelling, management and language trainings. In Germany, we carried out a significant English language training programme.
We aim to ensure the availability of competent personnel also in the future. We engage in internship cooperation with the Industrial Management and Engineering degree programme at Turku University of Applied Sciences, for example. Students’ final projects were carried out at UTG, and production and administration interns worked at our workshops and offices.
A safe and healthy working environment for all
Ensuring the health and safety of our employees is one of the key objectives of our HR policy. Our goal is to create a safe and healthy work environment for all of our employees. The management is responsible for setting a good example, promoting a positive attitude towards ensuring safety and ensuring that our safety practices are effective. Every employee is responsible for their own safety and that of their colleagues. At our units, monitoring occupational safety is part of our daily operations. No serious accidents occurred at the Group in 2019.
With our action plan for occupational health care, we can ensure the well-being and working capacity of our employees and prevent accidents and occupational diseases. In Finland, we continued our well-being project supported by Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company. In the project, personal goals were found for each employee to increase their overall well-being. In addition, a personal goal plan for exercise, diet and recovery from stress was designed for our employees in Finland with the support of an occupational well-being services provider. Almost all who participated in the programme stated that they felt better and got good tools for improving their working ability through recovery, nutrition and exercise. We support our personnel’s sports hobbies in both Finland and Germany.
Improving our energy efficiency
UTG has the ISO 14001 environmental system in place. The Group’s environmental policy aims at the development of our own operations and customers’ processes while also considering environmental aspects. All of our employees have the right – and the obligation – to take action to intervene in anything that could cause a deviation that affects quality, safety or the environment. No environmental legislation violations took place at UTG in 2019.
We deliver waste accumulated in our operations to appropriate processing and recycling collection points. Recycling is part of our production’s operating concept. Steel, scraps, and packaging material are sorted and delivered for further processing. Our operations are not very energy intensive. However, we are looking into how to improve the energy efficiency of our operations. The Stelzer heating system was renewed into a more energy-efficient one in 2019. We also aim at utilising digital meeting practices instead of travelling, where appropriate.
Environmental responsibility covers the entire lifecycle of our products. We aim at minimising the lifecycle costs of our products and optimising the energy-efficiency of our customers’ processes. Our customer industries are often very energy-intensive. By optimising mixing technology, we can significantly improve the energy and material efficiency of our customers’ processes. The benefits to both our customer and the environment are significant.
Sustainability is a key factor that affects the sustainable future of UTG Mixing Group, all of our stakeholders and our environment.